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Empowering Mamas Through Healing

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Featured Mamahood After Trauma Episodes

episode cover featuring guest, Arielle Martone

How to Bridge the Gap between Physical healing & Emotional healing in Postpartum

June 27, 202410 min read
mama untriggered is a free resource for mamas who desire to stop yelling at their kids

Get ready to dive into a heart-to-heart conversation with Arielle Martone, a postpartum wellness coach who has faced and conquered the same postpartum troubles many of us are going through. Arielle's journey, which began with IVF treatments, childbirth, and was further complicated by postpartum depression and pelvic pain, serves as a testament to the resilience of mothers. She's here to share her wisdom derived from her experiences, aiming to heighten awareness and understanding of the physical and emotional transformations mothers undergo postpartum. Let's uncover together with Arielle, how to address these challenges, prioritize self-care, and define our sense of self in the post-birth period. We promise this conversation will enlighten and empower you in your postpartum journey.

1. What are the common challenges mothers face during postpartum recovery?

In the journey of motherhood, navigating the postpartum period can often present many unique challenges. One common struggle that mothers face is dealing with both the physical and emotional aspects of recovery after giving birth. While the corporeal recovery process can be demanding and uncomfortable, the emotional recovery should not be disregarded. The transition of bringing a new life into the world and the identity shift that comes with becoming a mother can often lead to feelings of vulnerability, worry, and occasionally postpartum depression. There also exists societal pressure on mothers to prioritize the care of their newborn over their well-being, leaving many feeling solitary in their postpartum journey.

Guest Arielle Martone illuminated the conversation with her valuable insights based on personal experience. Arielle underwent IVF for both her children and dealt with postpartum depression and pelvic pain after their births. Through her journey, she identified the critical need to address the often ignored aspects of postpartum recovery – both emotional and physical. She underscored the need for societal recognition of the importance of holistic support and well-being for mothers in the postpartum period. Arielle resonated with many mothers by acknowledging the feeling of isolation that often comes along with the difficulties balancing personal needs and the demands of motherhood. Utilizing her expertise as a physical therapist, Arielle provided rich insights into the significance of pelvic floor health in postpartum recovery, an area that is often overlooked.

Understanding the challenges encountered in postpartum recovery not only validates the experiences of countless mothers but also emphasizes the importance of seeking help. Proactive support for mothers can significantly alleviate the burdens of this transitional period. Building a community where mothers feel heard, acknowledged, and supported can work tremendously in normalizing conversations around postpartum struggles. The discourse needs to shift from normalizing the challenges of motherhood and suffering in silence towards fostering a culture that encourages mothers to prioritize their well-being and vocalize their needs. Key steps in this direction would include advocating for comprehensive postpartum care, encouraging open communication in families, and dismantling the societal pressure for mothers to sideline their needs for their children's sake. Finally, individual efforts of mothers to find their identity amidst this life transition – through measures like journaling for self-reflection – can contribute immensely to easing their postpartum journey.

2. How can we address both emotional and physical aspects in postpartum care?

Addressing both emotional and physical aspects in postpartum care is like putting together the pieces of a complex puzzle. Just as each puzzle piece is unique and vital, both facets of postpartum care - the emotional and physical - are equally important for a new mother's total well-being. The postpartum period is a time of significant change in a woman's life. There are not only the obvious physical changes that come with childbirth and recovery but also the profound emotional alterations that accompany transforming into a mother. Understanding this complex duality is vital and, more importantly, addressing these aspects hand in hand becomes the cornerstone of holistic postpartum care.

In her conversation with me, Arielle Martone provided insights from her personal journey, underlining the importance of our question. Sharing her postpartum experiences, Arielle revealed the depths of physical discomfort she faced, including pelvic pain, a commonly neglected issue. She advocated for moving beyond the typical six-week checkup to comprehensive care. This could involve a proper follow-up, shedding light on physical issues that often get dismissed as just part of recovering from childbirth. More importantly, Ariella didn't shy away from sharing her bout with postpartum depression, opening up about the emotional challenges, the feeling of losing herself in the demands of motherhood. She stressed the need for positive channels such as journaling to rediscover oneself.

By using her personal narrative, Arielle emphasized the importance of understanding and acknowledging that the journey of postpartum recovery does not just have physical stopovers. The importance of navigating both emotional and physical aspects of postpartum recovery is all-encompassing, ensuring that a mother can fully engage in her life, her relationships, and her motherhood. Addressing this question becomes critical because unchecked emotional distress can lead to conditions like postpartum depression. At the same time, under-attended physical discomfort can prolong recovery and challenge daily functions. It would be of the essence to acknowledge that a mother's well-being eventually contributes to the well-being of both the child and her family as a whole. Therefore, the importance of comprehensive postpartum care cannot be emphasized enough for its role in the holistic well-being of a new mother, her baby, and her family. And remember, mamas - it's okay to seek help and prioritize your recovery. You are important, too.

Click here to listen to the full episode

3. What is the importance of self-identity in the postpartum period?

We all understand that giving birth is a transformative experience that introduces an unparalleled phase in a woman's life - motherhood. It alters not only the physical body but also the emotional and mental states of a woman. However, what many tend to overlook is that the postpartum period is equally impactful and demanding. With the arrival of a child, a woman's identity undergoes a significant shift. Suddenly, she is more than just herself; she is a mother.

This transformation, as Arielle Martone pointed out during our discussion, can be quite overwhelming. Arielle, being a mother herself, brought forth a very real and often less talked about aspect - the struggle of self-identity during the postpartum phase. She spoke from profound personal experience, recalling how childbirth and the consequent responsibilities clouded her perception of herself. Arielle confessed that she, like many women, got entirely absorbed in her new motherly duties to the point that she felt disconnected from her own self. This experience led her to the fundamental concept of identifying, integrating, and igniting postpartum. She believes that while carrying out their roles as mothers, women must not turn a blind eye to their intrinsic values, individuality, and the elements that make them unique.

As Arielle stressed, journaling can be an extremely effective tool for self-reflection during this phase.  The importance of maintaining self-identity during the postpartum period is crucial, not just for the mothers but also for everyone else in the family. When women lose sight of their identity, they can feel lost, leading to feelings of frustration and difficulties coping with the challenges of motherhood. Arielle's journey serves as an important reminder that while it's vital to provide care and comfort to the newborn, mothers shouldn't forget to care for themselves too.

Maintaining a robust sense of self-identity and connecting with their intrinsic personality can help mothers navigate this challenging phase with greater ease and resilience. They can indulge in activities that resonate with their personality and help them feel connected to their individual identities. This form of self-care is not selfish; rather, it's a necessity that deserves additional awareness and recognition. The overall well-being of mothers, including their identity, is paramount to a nurturing environment and healthy upbringing of the child. As Arielle rightly put during our conversation, it's time we focus on making this much-needed societal shift.

4. How can we improve pelvic floor health during postpartum recovery?

When we think about journeying through the postpartum period, we often consider emotional and mental health but forget about the significant changes our bodies have undergone; the pelvic floor health being one crucial area of focus.

On giving birth, the pelvic muscles can considerably weaken leading to discomfort, pain or more severe health issues like prolapse. Emphasizing its importance is comparable to the significance of cardiovascular fitness in maintaining a healthy heart. Just as we would commit to regular cardio exercises, comparable dedication is necessary for the recovery of our pelvic floor.

During our enlightening discussion, Arielle Martone, a postpartum wellness coach, shed light on her experiences. After her birth, she was blind-sided by the pain and discomfort related to her pelvic health. Like many women who experience the same, Arielle was unaware that specialized care could alleviate her suffering. She highlighted the importance of effective postpartum care, emphasizing the contribution of pelvic health and healing to overall recovery. Arielle’s transformative journey opened her eyes to the necessity of pearl-like wisdom and shared a free recourse about early postpartum pelvic floor care.

The Holy Grail for postpartum wellness lies not in bouncing back to our pre-birth bodies but in embracing our transformed selves and prioritizing our wellness. Body positivity, acceptance, and awareness remain key in managing our expectations during this period. We must remember that the miracle of birth, while beautiful is, an intense process that fundamentally changes our bodies, requiring time and patience for recovery.

Therefore, understanding the importance of pelvic health for a fuller, comprehensive recovery in your postpartum journey could be immensely beneficial. By integrating this knowledge into our recovery plan, we can ensure a roadmap that is as successful as mothers who continue to emerge victorious at the end of this meaningful journey.

5. What proactive measures can mothers take for better postpartum wellness?

Transitioning into motherhood can be filled with an array of emotions and new experiences, especially when it comes to postpartum wellness. The journey of recovering from childbirth and adapting to new roles and responsibilities can be daunting, yet also rich in opportunities for growth and self-discovery.

A proactive approach towards postpartum wellness can empower women to fully embrace this transformative phase of life. By adequately addressing physical well-being, adapting to transformed identities, focusing on emotional health, and realizing the value of seeking support, new mothers can pave the way for a smoother postpartum journey.

Through the lens of Arielle Martone's experiences and insights as a postpartum wellness coach, proactive measures for better postpartum wellness focus on both physical and mental aspects. Martone recommends not skimming over discomforts and spending adequate time in body recovery. One often overlooked aspect, as Arielle pointed out in our conversation, is the significance of pelvic floor healing.

In addition to physical recovery, acknowledging the mental and emotional turmoil that new mothers may experience is crucial. Martone highlighted the importance of journaling as a therapeutic tool that can help explore feelings, make sense of changes, and shape a new identity. Normalizing open communication with partners can also prompt shared responsibilities, reducing the stress and burdens that often fall solely upon new mothers.

Understanding and addressing postpartum recovery is an essential aspect of empowering women and promoting overall well-being. Proactive measures, as discussed, not only contribute to prompt physical recovery but also foster emotional well-being and help women navigate through identities and roles in their transformed lives. The journey of motherhood is far beyond giving birth; it is about transforming into a resilient and nurturing being that holds the capacity for infinite love, growth, and strength. Therefore, emphasizing the importance of full spectrum postpartum care inclusive of physical, mental, and emotional aspects is essential to better equip mothers for the journey of a lifetime. It is about building the pillar of care from within, making postpartum merely a beginning instead of a strenuous end.

In Conclusion

The journey of motherhood, especially navigating through postpartum challenges, can be a steep uphill climb. It's a critical topic that needs more open, honest discussions. Through our frank conversation with Arielle Martone, we've sought to shed light on the complexities and realities of postpartum recovery, particularly the physical and emotional changes that new mothers undergo. The insights shared here are not just informative, they're empowering. They help us understand that postpartum recovery is a process that demands time, patience, and self-care. They remind us that it's alright to seek support, to prioritize our well-being, and to take proactive steps towards healing.

the mamahood after trauma inner circle is a free community for trauma surviving mamas to get support in their healing journey

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Discover a sanctuary for healing and growth in motherhood with the Mamahood After Trauma Podcast hosted by Emily Cleghorn. Dive into candid discussions and practical tips on parenting amidst trauma recovery.

Join Emily and her guests as they navigate the complexities of raising children while prioritizing personal healing. Find solace, strength, and joy in the beautiful chaos of mamahood after trauma.

Rising from the Ashes: Reclaiming Your Life After a Traumatic Childhood

Break free from the shadows of your past trauma with 'Rising From the Ashes.' This book empowers mamas to reclaim their voices, rebuild self-worth, and embrace healing. Discover the tools you need to overcome past challenges and create a brighter future for yourself and your family.

Mended Mama Academy

Healing trauma is like peeling an onion. There are so many different layers that need restoration-- it requires caring for the whole person which can be incredibly overwhelming.
Inside the Mended Mama Academy, it’s not about peeling all the layers at the same time. It’s about allowing you to have the time and space along with the accountability, resources and support you need to peel the layers back 1 by 1 and create sustainable healing.

Why Work with Us?

At Mamahood After Trauma, we recognize the profound, often silent struggles that accompany maternal mental health. Dealing with maternal trauma adds another layer of complexity to the already demanding journey of mamahood. We see you, and we hear you.

We strive to create a space where you can feel safe and supported, where you can share your feelings without judgment and find the strength to heal at your own pace

At Mamahood After Trauma, you’re not just another client; you’re a person with a story that deserves to be heard and respected. We’re here to offer you the tools and support you need to navigate the challenges of maternal mental health. With the right help, it’s possible to reclaim your well-being and experience the joy of motherhood in a way that feels healthy and fulfilling.

Meet Coach Emily

Emily Cleghorn has a fire burning in her soul to make the world a better place and it’s not hard to see why.

If someone would have told her that she would use her trauma that she was enduring in her childhood to inspire and lift others up, she would have laughed you off.

Emily grew up in beautiful small town Nova Scotia, a place she couldn’t wait to get as far away from as soon as she was old enough to leave home. For her, where she grew up represented a lot of pain, disappointment and unmet promises. It represented a lot of limitation and toxic relationships.

She somehow found a strength deep within her to keep persisting. She was aware of the statistics for kids that grew up in similar situations and she made a decision early on that she was not going to be one of those statistics.

She was going to be different...

For Emily, mamahood has been a journey of learning how to regulate her own nervous system so she could teach her babies to do the same.

It hasn't been easy. That's why she created "Mama Untriggered" Starter Kit—a transformative 5-episode journey along with PDF resources outlining the steps she took to help her calm her nervous system and reclaim her strength in mamahood that's completely changed the game for her!

It can do the same for you!

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