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Empowering Mamas Through Healing

Reclaim Your Inner Strength and Create Peaceful Mamahood

Featured Mamahood After Trauma Episodes

episode cover featuring guest, Rach Wilson

The Trauma behind being a Special Needs Parent

June 27, 20244 min read
mama untriggered is a free resource for trauma surviving mamas who desire to stop yelling at their kids

Can you recall a time when you felt utterly depleted, like every last ounce of energy had been drained from your body? For many trauma-surviving mamas, this feeling is all too familiar – a constant state of overwhelm and exhaustion that seeps into every aspect of life.

In the midst of this whirlwind, self-care often takes a backseat. It's not that we don't recognize its importance; it's that the very notion of carving out time for ourselves can feel like an insurmountable task. But what if I told you that even the smallest acts of self-care can make a world of difference?

The Transformative Power of Tiny Moments

During her journey through what she calls "hell year," Rach Wilson found herself barely treading water. With two young children – one on the autism spectrum and the other experiencing intense rages – and a household in constant survival mode, self-care seemed like a distant dream.

"I didn't even have the resources to reach out or think, 'Oh, I should do that for myself,'" Rach recalls. "If I got any moment, it was bed."

Suggested image: A visual representation of the overwhelming challenges Rach faced during "hell year"

Yet, even in those darkest moments, Rach discovered the transformative power of tiny acts of self-care. "If you can just take five minutes, even 30 seconds, where you just stop and breathe, where you relax your body and just breathe, it's these little things that take a little bit of the stress away," she advises.

Click here to listen to the full episode

Redefining Self-Care in the Trenches

For Rach, self-care didn't always look like a luxurious spa day or a weekend getaway. Sometimes, it was as simple as asking a friend to take her kids for an hour so she could catch a much-needed nap. Other times, it meant indulging in a mindless television binge, offering a brief respite from the chaos.

"When you've got no capacity, you've got no capacity," Rach acknowledges. "And I just want any mama out there in that right now to know it won't last forever."

Suggested image: A visual representation of simple acts of self-care, like taking a nap or watching TV

Building a Support System

One of the most valuable lessons Rach learned during her darkest days was the importance of asking for help. "Don't be afraid to ask for help," she urges. "I had best friends coming to stay with me, offering to take the kids so I could sleep, taking me out."

In addition to leaning on her support system, Rach and her husband implemented a strategy to ensure they each got a night's respite every other week. "One of us would go and stay at a friend's place and just defrag, get one night's sleep," she explains.

Reclaiming Self-Care After Survival Mode

As Rach's family emerged from "hell year" and began to thrive once again, she faced a new challenge: relearning the habits of self-care that had fallen by the wayside during their darkest days.

"When it stops, you have to consciously choose to start doing more self-care," she advises. "That is your time to indulge in self-care before you overload your plate."

For Rach, this meant reincorporating simple rituals like showering regularly and brushing her teeth – tasks that had become nearly impossible during the depths of her family's crisis.

The Pendulum of Self-Care

"If you think about it as a pendulum, when you are so far burnt out, you've got to do so much more rest, as much rest as you can to get back to some kind of normal," Rach explains. "And it's okay to say no to people. It's okay to say no, I don't have capacity to do that today."

As trauma-surviving mamas, we often find ourselves caught in the cycle of putting everyone else's needs before our own. But Rach's story is a powerful reminder that self-care, no matter how small, is not a luxury – it's a necessity.

"It is absolutely okay to put your needs first wherever you can through this, beyond this," Rach affirms. "Just do whatever it takes to get what you need as much as you can through this, knowing that you won't get everything you need right now, but you will."

In the trenches of motherhood, when the weight of the world seems to be resting on our shoulders, it's easy to lose sight of ourselves. But by embracing even the simplest acts of self-care and leaning on our support systems, we can find the strength to not only survive but thrive.

the mamahood after trauma inner circle is a free community for trauma surviving mama to find support on their healing journey

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Mamahood After Trauma Podcast

Discover a sanctuary for healing and growth in motherhood with the Mamahood After Trauma Podcast hosted by Emily Cleghorn. Dive into candid discussions and practical tips on parenting amidst trauma recovery.

Join Emily and her guests as they navigate the complexities of raising children while prioritizing personal healing. Find solace, strength, and joy in the beautiful chaos of mamahood after trauma.

Rising from the Ashes: Reclaiming Your Life After a Traumatic Childhood

Break free from the shadows of your past trauma with 'Rising From the Ashes.' This book empowers mamas to reclaim their voices, rebuild self-worth, and embrace healing. Discover the tools you need to overcome past challenges and create a brighter future for yourself and your family.

Mended Mama Academy

Healing trauma is like peeling an onion. There are so many different layers that need restoration-- it requires caring for the whole person which can be incredibly overwhelming.
Inside the Mended Mama Academy, it’s not about peeling all the layers at the same time. It’s about allowing you to have the time and space along with the accountability, resources and support you need to peel the layers back 1 by 1 and create sustainable healing.

Why Work with Us?

At Mamahood After Trauma, we recognize the profound, often silent struggles that accompany maternal mental health. Dealing with maternal trauma adds another layer of complexity to the already demanding journey of mamahood. We see you, and we hear you.

We strive to create a space where you can feel safe and supported, where you can share your feelings without judgment and find the strength to heal at your own pace

At Mamahood After Trauma, you’re not just another client; you’re a person with a story that deserves to be heard and respected. We’re here to offer you the tools and support you need to navigate the challenges of maternal mental health. With the right help, it’s possible to reclaim your well-being and experience the joy of motherhood in a way that feels healthy and fulfilling.

Meet Coach Emily

Emily Cleghorn has a fire burning in her soul to make the world a better place and it’s not hard to see why.

If someone would have told her that she would use her trauma that she was enduring in her childhood to inspire and lift others up, she would have laughed you off.

Emily grew up in beautiful small town Nova Scotia, a place she couldn’t wait to get as far away from as soon as she was old enough to leave home. For her, where she grew up represented a lot of pain, disappointment and unmet promises. It represented a lot of limitation and toxic relationships.

She somehow found a strength deep within her to keep persisting. She was aware of the statistics for kids that grew up in similar situations and she made a decision early on that she was not going to be one of those statistics.

She was going to be different...

For Emily, mamahood has been a journey of learning how to regulate her own nervous system so she could teach her babies to do the same.

It hasn't been easy. That's why she created "Mama Untriggered" Starter Kit—a transformative 5-episode journey along with PDF resources outlining the steps she took to help her calm her nervous system and reclaim her strength in mamahood that's completely changed the game for her!

It can do the same for you!

5039 Route 3
Brockway, New Brunswick

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