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episode cover featuring podcast guest, Michelle

Finding Balance and Joy in Motherhood: Overcoming Trauma and Connecting with Self

June 27, 202410 min read

Mama Untriggered Starter Kit is a free resource for mamas

If you're a mother seeking to reclaim your sense of self amidst the tumult of parenting, Michelle Dekeyser's insights might be just what you're looking for. Michelle, like many of us, once felt lost amidst the demands of motherhood. Through her inspiring journey of self-discovery, she developed practical strategies to bring intentionality and balance into her daily life. As we delve into her story, we'll explore the specific steps she took to foster self-care, connection, and a sense of calm - even as a busy mom.

1. What are some practical tips for finding calm and balance in the chaos of motherhood?

Practical tips for maintaining balance and discovering tranquility amidst the pandemonium of motherhood begin by acknowledging the sometimes overwhelming nature of this important role. Mothers are often expected to juggle multiple roles at home, at work, and in the community. This mental multitasking can create chaos, but it also reveals opportunities for growth and self-discovery through self-care and connection. The key is to find elements of peace in day-to-day affairs, embracing the moments of stillness and reflection that lay hidden in our busy schedules. Even if it gets down to simply staring at a wall for a while, these moments of respite can be the building blocks of calm within a mother's life. For in these moments, mothers can embark on an inner journey to identify and address the limiting beliefs that keep them from truly thriving. From Michelle Dekeyser's perspective, navigating the turbulent waters of motherhood involves seeing beyond the chaos and finding calm within oneself.

During her conversation with Emily Cleghorn, Michelle shed light on the importance of developing a positive mindset and fostering authentic connections within the family. She shared her personal struggles with emotional management and the desire to cultivate meaningful bonds within her family. Michelle emphasized that the shift from self-doubt to self-confidence doesn't happen overnight but stressed the necessity of patience, self-acceptance, and grace in the process. She makes it clear that understanding oneself is crucial to nurturing familial relationships and creating a peaceful household.

Michelle's experience also points to the significant role of a nurturing community in aiding mothers to grow emotionally, engage deeply, and foster a healthy home environment. Recognizing the importance of the key question for the audience hinges on understanding the universal struggle of mothers to find peace amidst the daily demands of parenting. Therefore, the subject of creating balance and calm within the tumult of motherhood is crucial. The experiences of mothers like Michelle Dekeyser underscore the need for self-care, mindfulness, and genuine connection. Implementing the practical strategies discussed by Michelle and Emily may lead to a transformation in thought, deed, and spirit, thereby promoting a healthier and more fulfilling motherhood experience. As mothers prioritize intentional self-care and nurturing connections, they recharge their emotional battery, enabling them to engage, empower, and inspire not only themselves but their children and surrounding communities as well.

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2. How can mothers overcome the pressure of 'doing it all' and manage feelings of overwhelm?

In today's fast-paced society, the pressure of being a supermom can often lead to feelings of unprecedented overwhelm. The common misconception that mothers should seamlessly manage all aspects of life, including but not limited to, child-rearing, maintaining a household, nurturing relationships, and pursuing personal goals can inadvertently result in emotional burnout. An important part of managing this feeling of intense overwhelm is acknowledging and dispelling the myth that, as a mother, one must indeed do it all. This practice of letting go of ingrained societal expectations and self-imposed high standards can help mothers take the first step towards a more balanced and less tumultuous existence.

Coming from Michelle Dekeyser's perspective, she underlines the importance of incorporating moments of stillness and reflection into everyday routines. Heading from personal experiences, she notes that something as simple as staring at a wall in solitude can become a catalyst for meaningful change. She advocates for the identification and realization of these so-called limiting beliefs that can hold mothers back from embracing their desires and becoming the kind of mothers they aspire to be. Emphasizing the necessity of self-acceptance and grace, she proves an authentic view of the different obstacles that mothers confront while attempting to navigate through intense emotions and ushering in a sense of tranquility in their lives.

The question of how mothers can combat the strain of 'doing it all' and manage overwhelming emotions speaks volumes about the broader theme of nurturing oneself while nurturing others. Although it may seem counterproductive for someone constantly working towards attending to the needs of others, prioritizing self-care is quintessential. The recognition of one's emotional and mental states and the conscious effort to create an environment conducive to emotional well-being and peace isn't just a luxury but an absolute necessity. At the end of it all, it isn't just about overcoming feelings of overwhelm but about learning to respect one's boundaries, breaking down impractical societal norms, accepting one's limitations and celebrating every little step taken towards achieving equilibrium in the chaotic but gratifying journey of motherhood.

3. Can you share methods for slowing down and cultivating self-acceptance in the midst of a busy parenting schedule?

The notion of slowing down and cultivating self-acceptance amidst a busy parenting schedule can initially seem challenging, especially when our lives revolve around ensuring our children’s needs are met. However, it is crucial to remember that slowing down isn’t about sacrificing productivity or neglecting responsibilities. Instead, it’s about being mindful of our actions, our thoughts, and our feelings. It's about taking a few moments each day to reflect, to connect with our inner selves and to appreciate the here and now. Essentially, it offers us an opportunity to align our actions with our values, focusing on what truly needs our attention and letting go of what doesn't.

Michelle Dekeyser observed exactly this during our insightful conversation. She shared her own thrilling experience of navigating through a busy parenting schedule filled with endless demands and chores. For Michelle, finding moments of stillness was something she had to consciously incorporate into her daily routine, and it became her fortress of solitude. There were instances when she allowed herself to just be, to sit quietly, even to gaze at a wall, because those were her moments of decompression. She insisted that these stolen moments of serenity and self-acceptance didn't make her less of a mother. They instead provided her with the much-needed energy and perspective to be the mother she aspired to be, to respond, not react, to disruptive situations with love and patience.

Why is this conversation crucial, you might ask?

Firstly, it's a poignant reminder that parenting doesn't come with a once size fits all manual. Every mother embarks on her unique journey, moulded by her circumstances, her beliefs and her aspirations for her children. In the midst of this journey that is filled with love, stress, chaos, laughter and emotions of all hues, it becomes paramount for a mother to retain her sense of self, not only as a caregiver but also as an individual with dreams and goals.

The process of slowing down, of consciously creating moments of stillness to reflect, recharge and reconnect with oneself, is pivotal to this. It's a process that allows a mother to embrace self-acceptance, to overcome her fears and anxieties, to redefine her relationship with her child, and to infuse her everyday life with a sense of calm and contentment.

After all, a happy mother invariably paves the way for a happy household. The benefits of this are multifold – mental and emotional wellbeing, improved familial relationships, personal growth and increased productivity, to name a few.

Further, it propels mothers to lead by example, to teach their children the significance of self-care, self-love and mindfulness, thereby setting them up for a fulfilling life.

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4. How can open communication and connection within the family improve the motherhood experience?

Open communication and connection within the family can drastically improve the motherhood experience. It opens the door to more understanding, support, and love among family members. For moms, this means fewer frustrations, less stress, and a more fulfilling parenting journey. When we consistently connect and communicate openly with our children, we are not only teaching them important life skills but also nurturing a deep and lasting bond with them. It encourages an atmosphere of respect and mutual understanding. When kids feel heard and understood, they're more likely to cooperate and express themselves in healthier ways.

With reference to the conversation with Michelle Dekeyser, she stressed the importance of open communication and connection within the household. She shared her personal experience and how managing to switch from being seen as an authoritative figure to becoming an open, conversational parent changed her relationship with her son. Michelle described how acknowledging the need for change in the way she communicated and intentionally seeking what was missing, allowed her to respond differently to challenging situations. Michelle found that open communication did not just improve her relationship with her son, but it also provided a space for her to express her own feelings and experiences, improving her overall motherhood experience.

The dynamics of open communication and connection within the family are so impactful that they hold transformative power over our motherhood journey. When we as moms cultivate an environment where open conversations are the norm, we teach our kids to express their emotions, fears, joys, and dreams effectively. They understand the value of sharing, listening, and understanding and this, in turn, helps them relate better with the world outside.

More importantly, this nurturing environment supports our wellbeing as moms. We're able to better understand our children's behavior, addressing their needs while also expressing our needs and emotions. We become less of a disciplinarian figure and more of a guide and a friend to our children. In essence, having open communication and connection within the family leads to a nourishing, rewarding home environment, positively influencing our experience of motherhood. That said, it's an ongoing process - it requires patience, understanding, persistence, and lots of love. But if done right, this can be the most rewarding aspect of parenting and motherhood.

5. What role does community play in a mother's journey towards growth and self-discovery?

Community plays an essential role in a mother's journey toward growth and self-discovery. It's through shared experiences and mutual support that mothers can find strength and inspiration to overcome their individual challenges. The sense of belonging that a community provides can be instrumental in dispelling feelings of isolation and inadequacy, as mothers can lean into the collective wisdom and practical advice of those who can relate to their struggles.

During our discussion, Michelle Dekeyser emphasized the transformative power of community. She spoke about how she found solace in sharing her vulnerabilities and aspirations within a safe, supportive space. Michelle's own experiences highlighted the critical role of community in her personal growth. She found that by fostering open communication and promoting a collective mindset towards positivity, she was better able to navigate her own complexities and handle difficult situations more effectively.

Here's why this is crucial for mothers seeking growth and self-discovery.

Motherhood can be an intensely personal journey, yet it isn't meant to be a solitary one. By tapping into community resources, mothers can find empowerment in shared experiences. They can glean practical insights from others, opening up pathways for their own growth. Just as importantly, being part of a community allows mothers to contribute and share their own wisdom. It's this reciprocity of support, knowledge, and experience that truly defines the communal experience, making it a critical aspect of motherhood after trauma. Ultimately, it's through community that mothers can break free from limiting beliefs, arrive at greater self-acceptance, and foster sustainable change for themselves and their families.

In conclusion

The dialogue between Emily and Michelle underscores the importance of self-care, connection, and the power of community for mothers overcoming trauma. The discussion serves as a reminder that prioritizing personal needs and creating moments of stillness should not be a luxury but a necessity for mothers. The conversation also emphasizes the power of vulnerability, and the value of a supportive community, where individuals can grow and find strength in their shared experiences. The message resonates loud and clear - transformation in motherhood is possible when fueled by self-care, connection, and a collective journey of growth and self-discovery. So, to all the mothers out there, take a pause, breathe in, connect, and remember that you are not alone in this journey.

Mamahood After Trauma Inner Circle is a free community for trauma surviving mamas

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