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What is the voice in your head telling you? Is it telling you things that build you up or hold you back? In this episode, Emily is joined by Jacquie Elliot who shares her journey of overcoming her own abusive brain chatter so that she could reclaim her life and become the mama she needed for her children.
In this episode, Emily is decoding the mystery behind how trauma really impacts your body as a survivor.
Congratulations!! You did it! You had your baby! You're a mama! It's everything you dreamed of... or is it? Everyone is so focused on that sweet little babe and you feel forgotten in the midst of the healing. In this episode, Emily is joined by Postpartum Wellness coach Arielle Martone as they have a very open & honest conversation about bridging the gap between the physical healing after baby and the emotional healing that also needs to take place.
Your thoughts create your feelings. We have this supercomputer that sends electrical signals to our brains. The thoughts give out an electrical impulse that triggers your feelings, which are hormones and chemicals released into your body, which creates a feeling. Your feelings will create your actions or reactions and those will create your results. So, if you wanna change the results in any area of your life, the first thing you have to do is look at your way of thinking. We think over 60,000 thoughts daily. 80% of those are negative, and 95% are from the past. So the first thing you have to do is start to notice what you're thinking, I mean, step back and become an observer of your way of thinking, for at least a week. I do have exercises where I have my clients just observe their way of thinking and start to notice certain patterns or thoughts come up and jot those down. Right. And then the next week, they start to notice the way that those thoughts create feelings in their body. So, start to notice your way of thinking and feeling, because then you'll be able to relate that to your reactions.
As mamas, we want the best for our littles. That often means that we give until our cups are depleted and we're left wondering what our purpose is. In this episode, Emily along with guest, Michelle discusses why connection is so important!